We are seeking remote agents to work from home and assist our client with their needs. Our agents have the privelage of picking from several top brands and picking their own schedule.
Responsibilities can include:
Assisting customers in resolving issues or answering questions regarding products or services.
Providing information about products or services to customers over the phone or via email or chat applications.
Assisting customers with billing inquiries and problems, including resolving issues and answering questions related to their bills.
Providing company information to customers, including rates, fees, and other data.
Tracking and resolving customer issues using computer software applications such as CRMs and DMSes
Identifying and solving problems with customer orders or service requests.
Explaining new or existing products or services to customers via phone, email, or live chat sessions
Entering orders into an order management system or other software application.
Following up with customers to ensure that they are satisfied with the resolution to their issue

If you are interested in Krafting your lifestyle create a free account today to get started. If you are returning or following up log in to our platform.

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By entering your email address, you agree to receive important informational and instructional messages from Krafted Lifestyle while we are assisting you to get started and also to respond to your support requests.